
Warning for 2015

Posted 01.10.14

Full effect of Obamacare to hit next year

Home Depot co-founder, Bernie Marcus warned that the full effect of the Affordable Care Act will hit in 2015 after the 2014 mid-term elections. He is quoted as saying: ” If you’re somebody working for a living and you’ve been doing this for a number of years and your employer has been covering you and paying the (health insurance) premium for you…you’re going to end up with very little insurance (or) you’ll end up with very, very high co-pays. Most Americans haven’t gotten the blow they’re going to get from Obamacare .”

Also reported in the January 10, 2014 NAHU Newswire is an article about US and UK insurers working to develop an international insurance network that would include over 11,500 hospitals in over 190 countries.

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