
Testing on Data Services Hub Running Behind Schedule

Posted 08.07.13

Report indicates delay leaves little margin for error

In a report released by HHS’ Office of the Inspector General, the data services hub project is behind schedule. While a CMS spokesman claims significant progress has been made the last 3 months, there are concerns about meeting the October 1, 2013 deadline. One report claims there are critical tasks that need to be completed as well as independent testing. The data services hub provides American’s personal information to the exchanges. More on this story can be found in the August 7, 2013 NAHU Newswire.

The August 8, 2013 NAHU Newswire lead storyexplains how the Affordable Care Act effects Congress. Congressional members and their staffs will continue to be subsidized 75 percent of their health care premium but will have to purchase their coverage through the exchanges. Some members may find they have higher premiums due to age or smoking status.

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