
NH DOI Release on Aliera Health Care

Posted 05.15.19

As a result of a recent Georgia court order, the New Hampshire Insurance Department is advising consumers that Aliera, a company that markets itself as a health care sharing ministry, may be operating illegally in New Hampshire.

In the past, Aliera acted as a plan administrator to Unity Healthshare, which is a qualified health care sharing ministry.

The Georgia court found that “the evidence shows that Aliera has taken actions to misappropriate [Unity’s] assets; namely by unilaterally attempting to transition the Unity HCSM plans to Trinity.” The court also found that the company misrepresented itself to state insurance regulators, and that “Timothy Moses, who exercises substantial control over Aliera, was convicted of felony securities fraud and perjury in federal court.”

Refer to the attached press release for details and contact your NEEBCo representative with any questions you may have.

NH DOI Press Release Aliera Health Care Sharing Ministry

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