
Employer Mandate Delayed One Year

Doubt cast on ACA implementation For three consecutive days, the lead story in the NAHU Newswire has focused on the delay of the implementation of the Employer Mandate. Questions have arisen if this is a political move or as a…
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Employer Mandate Delayed to 2015

Announced by Treasury Department Late yesterday, the Treasury Department announced the delay of the Employer Mandate pushing it out to 2015. The administration says it will use the additional time to consider ways to simplify the new reporting requirements. The…
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NFL Has No Plans for ACA Promotion

Administration has a difficult messaging challenge The NFL has released a statement that they have no intentions at this time of partnering with HHS in a communication campaign about the Affordable Care Act. The Administration is looking for ways to…
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HHS Looking to Professional Sports Leagues to Get Message Out

NFL and NBA on the list HHS Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius is seeking assistance from the NFL and NBA to help get the word out on the benefits of the Affordable Care Act. The target demographic through a promotional campaign with…
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One Hundred Days and Counting Down

Exchanges to be running by October 1st With the October 1st deadline approaching, the Obama administration has decided to hold off on public education awareness programs until it's almost time to enroll. October 1 is the date uninsured people can…
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Health Claims Being Processed Faster

Fewer claims being denied In the American Medical Association's annual National Health Insurance Report, large health insurers are processing claims faster and with better accuracy. Also reported in the June 18, 2013 NAHU Newswire is an article on two cases…
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Exchanges To Be Operational October 1st

Options will vary state to state Part of The Affordable Care Act calls for the Exchanges, also known as Marketplaces, to be operational October 1st. The number of insurers participating in the exchanges will vary depending on geographic location. Rates…
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Compromise Possible For NH Medicaid Expansion

Bill goes before a committee of conference this week State Senators, Martha Fuller Clark (D) and Nancy Stiles (R) have indicated a compromise is possible this week when the bill goes to a conference committee. Stiles indicated that Senate President,…
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New Hampshire Senate Vote Today

Medicaid Expansion included in 2-year state budget It is expected that the New Hampshire Senate will vote to study the Medicaid expansion with an interim report due December 1, 2013 and the final report due the following December. Democrats are…
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New Hampshire Governor Urges Medicaid Expansion

Advocates have placed full page ad in Union Leader In an attempt to expand Medicaid coverage to an additional 58,000 New Hampshire adults, New Hampshire governor, Maggie Hassan is urging the state senate to reverse their direction. Recently, the state…
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Multiple SHOP Plans Delayed One Year

One plan to be offered in 2014 The Obama Administration confirmed that multiple plan offerings through the Federal SHOP Exchange will be delayed until 2015. The intent of the SHOP Exchange is to provide small businesses options to insure their…
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Private Coverage of Young Adults Increased

ACA allows young adults to stay on parents policies As a result of the Affordable Care Act, young adults can now stay on their parent's policy until age 26. A recently released Rand Corporation study revealed it has provided financial…
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