
Delay Requested on Two Midnight Rule

Letter to CMS signed by 100 representatives In a letter to CMS Administrator, Marilyn Tavener, more than 100 House of Representative members have requested a delay in a policy subjecting Medicare patients to higher out-of-pocket costs for hospitalization and post-acute…
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Premiums Lower Than CBO Predicted

Tradeoff is more restrictive networks As the October 1st open enrollment date approaches, one thing is clear, coverage, cost, and choice varies state to state. Some states have multiple carriers selling insurance within the insurance exchanges/marketplaces while others are limited…
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NH Medicaid Recipients Sent Managed Care Notice

Choice of three plans available New Hampshire Medicaid officials are rolling out the managed care system that consists of three options. One hundred and twenty thousand Medicaid clients will have to choose one of the three programs: Meridian Health Plan,…
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Marketplace Notice Deadline Approaching

Employers must provide notice to employees by October 1st The Affordable Care Act requires employers to provide notice to employees of the Marketplace, including, what it does and how to contact it. Employees, both full-time and part-time must be notified…
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Groups Warn About Bare Bones Insurance Policies

ACA regulation wording may have loophole There are concerns that minimal insurance policies could expand under the Affordable Care Act. Policies that exclude benefits such as hospitalization have been referred to as "bare bones" policies and unless last minute regulation…
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UPS Drops Spousal Health Coverage

Cites ACA the reason The United Parcel Service has announced it will drop spousal coverage on their health plans leaving about 1 5,000 employee spouses without coverage under their plan. Increases associated with medical care costs and the ACA are…
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CMS Requests Data Breach Rule

Requires states to report data breaches within one hour Amid concerns of data security in the exchanges, CMS has requested an expedited approval of a rule requiring states to report data breaches within one hour of the suspected security breach.…
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IRS Launches Separate Website

Intent is to provide more information on ACA The IRS has launched a separate website to help explain some of the complex tax changes of the Affordable Care Act. The Website: will walk through income levels and how they…
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Testing on Data Services Hub Running Behind Schedule

Report indicates delay leaves little margin for error In a report released by HHS' Office of the Inspector General, the data services hub project is behind schedule. While a CMS spokesman claims significant progress has been made the last 3…
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Supreme Court Could See More Healthcare Reform Challenges

More than 65 suits still pending nationwide The August 2, 2013 NAHU Newswire reports that there are more than 65 lawsuits are pending nationwide targeting various provisions of the Health Care Act. The law could be partially dismantled as a…
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Security of American’s Sensitive Information Questioned

Agencies handling data need to respond In question is the security of American's personal information that will be processed through a data hub. This "data hub" enables the exchanges to function in addition to gathering information to apply applicable tax…
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Web-Based Insurers Locked Out of Exchanges

Uncertain if they will be permitted to offer coverage through Exchanges Insurance companies that sell insurance through the web are still excluded from offering plans through the ACA Exchanges. Some experts say this could lead to one million or more…
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