
HHS Claims Over One Million Signed Up for Coverage in January

This brings the total number of enrollees to 3.3 million HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that over 1 million people signed up for health insurance coverage in January through the marketplace. The total number of enrollees to date is around…
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Employer Shared Responsibility Mandate Delayed for Medium Sized Employers

It is perceived that the White House is trying to insulate Democratic candidates form midterm election criticism Late yesterday afternoon, the U.S. Treasury released final regulations surrounding the Employer Shared Responsibility Mandate. Contained within the final regulations released by the…
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Benefit Cutbacks Considered by CFO’s

Affordable Care Act to blame Report findings in a study conducted by Duke University, indicates forty-four percent of CFO's surveyed are considering cutting back on benefits due to the cost increases related to the Affordable Care Act. Also reported in…
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Glitches in Still Problematic

Errors cannot be fixed electronically The February 4, 2014 NAHU Newswire lead story draws attention to another glitch in the federal marketplace. Enrollees that have errors in their enrollment cannot correct them electronically. Over 20,000 enrollees are affected and a…
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President’s State of The Union Offers Little Commentary on ACA

No mention of problems that plagued the roll out In President Obama's sixth state of the union address, he gave little mention of the problems that have plagued the ACA roll out. He did mention that nine million Americans have…
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ACA Alternative Introduced

Repeal and Replace proposal submitted Senators Orrin Hatch, Tom Coburn and Richard Burr introduced a proposal that would eliminate most of the mandates and offer tax breaks to low income individuals to purchase coverage. Referred to as the CARE Act,…
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Texas Finalizes ACA Navigator Training

Training requirements for Navigators increased The Texas Department of Insurance finalized rules governing ACA Navigators. In addition to the federal training of 20 hours, Navigators will be required to receive an additional 20 hours of state specific training, undergo background…
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More ACA Regulations Being Drafted

Should be released this year Health and Human Services and the Internal Revenue Service are busy drafting additional proposed and final regulations as part of the Affordable Care Act implementation. Fifty or more regulations will be forthcoming. Also reported in…
Learn more IT Vendor Changing

CGI Federal being replaced by Accenture The vendor responsible for building the website has been replaced. The Obama administration has hired Accenture to repair the website. Of note, less than three years ago, Accenture signed a settlement with the…
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Warning for 2015

Full effect of Obamacare to hit next year Home Depot co-founder, Bernie Marcus warned that the full effect of the Affordable Care Act will hit in 2015 after the 2014 mid-term elections. He is quoted as saying: " If you're…
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ACA Premium Payment Date Delayed

Some carriers agree to extend first payment due date In response to the confusion surrounding the ACA, WellPoint Inc. and Health Care Service Corporation are extending the premium payment deadline for plans purchased in the Marketplace. WellPoint has extended the…
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2014 Rings in ACA

White House now claims there was no ACA enrollment number goal The White House is now downplaying the 7 million enrollment goal set by the Congressional Budget Office for March 31, 2014. The last reported enrollment figure for year ending…
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