
New ACA Information Center for Applicable Large Employers

Posted 10.02.15

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released a new ACA Information Center for Applicable Large Employers page, providing information and resources for employers to assist in determining how reporting and shared responsibilities apply if the employer fits the definition of Applicable Large Employer (ALE).

The page includes such sections as:

  • How to determine if you are an ALE;
  • Resources for ALE’s; and
  • Outreach materials including FAQs and links to forms, among other materials.

Links to the following webinars are available as well:

  • Employer Shared Responsibility Provision
  • Employer Sponsored Health Coverage Information Reporting Requirements for ALEs
  • Information Reporting Requirements for Providers of Minimum Essential Coverage

For questions regarding your reporting obligations, please contact your NEEBCo representative.

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