
House Leaders Set to Vote on ACA Replacement Bills

Posted 03.17.17

As reported by CNN, Republican leaders plan a vote Thursday to repeal and replace much of Obamacare.

Republican leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives issued two bills to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) through the budget reconciliation process. These bills, which were issued by the Ways and Means Committee and the Energy and Commerce Committee, are collectively known as the American Health Care Act.

To become law, these bills must go through the legislative process, although a budget reconciliation bill can be passed with a simple majority vote.

If enacted, the new law would not repeal the ACA entirely, although it would make significant changes to key provisions. The ACA’s employer and individual mandates would be repealed retroactively beginning in 2016. Key consumer protections, like the ACA’s prohibition on pre-existing condition exclusions and dependent coverage to age 26, would remain intact.

See the attached for a summary of the bills’ important provisions.

House Committees Release ACA Replacement Bills

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