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Compliance Seminar – DOL Audit Preparation

NEEBCo Conference Center 19 Chenell Drive, Suite 1, Concord, NH, United States

The 10am session is full. Please see the 1pm session for availability. The Department of Labor (DOL)’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) has the authority to conduct audits on benefit plans that are governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). DOL audits often focus on violations of ERISA’s fiduciary obligations and reporting and […]

Compliance Seminar – DOL Audit Preparation

NEEBCo Conference Center 19 Chenell Drive, Suite 1, Concord, NH, United States

The 1pm session is full. Please see the 8/12 webinar for availability. The Department of Labor (DOL)’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) has the authority to conduct audits on benefit plans that are governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). DOL audits often focus on violations of ERISA’s fiduciary obligations and reporting and […]

Compliance Webinar – DOL Audit Preparation

The Department of Labor (DOL)’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) has the authority to conduct audits on benefit plans that are governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). DOL audits often focus on violations of ERISA’s fiduciary obligations and reporting and disclosure requirements. The DOL may also investigate whether an employee benefit plan […]

Compliance Seminar – Common Pitfalls of Human Resources and New Hampshire Worker’s Compensation Law

NEEBCo Conference Center 19 Chenell Drive, Suite 1, Concord, NH, United States

This seminar is full. Human resources departments are spread thinner than ever, yet are responsible for vitally important parts of the business: workplace compliance, policies and procedures, employee communications, benefits enrollment and much more. Researching, writing and maintaining all the information needed to stay on top of these tasks, in addition to handling day-to-day responsibilities, […]

ACA Webinar – Full Time Status Determination

Due to overwhelming response to our three part seminar series on Affordable Care Act (ACA) preparation hosted March - June, NEEBCo is hosting the presentations via webinar. Determination of full-time (30 hour) employee status using the appropriate ACA standard is necessary to predict potential shared responsibility penalties, dispute fines, and complete 6055 and 6056 reporting […]

ACA Webinar – Self-Insured Employer 6055 and Applicable Large Employer 6056 Reporting

Due to overwhelming response to our three part seminar series on Affordable Care Act (ACA) preparation hosted March - June, NEEBCo is hosting the presentations via webinar. The 6055 and 6056 reporting provisions require self-insured employers and applicable large employers (ALEs) subject to the ACA’s employer shared responsibility rules to report information to the IRS […]

ACA Webinar – Self-Insured Employer 6055 and Applicable Large Employer 6056 Reporting

Due to overwhelming response to our three part seminar series on Affordable Care Act (ACA) preparation hosted March – June, NEEBCo is hosting the presentations via webinar. The 6055 and 6056 reporting provisions require self-insured employers and applicable large employers (ALEs) subject to the ACA’s employer shared responsibility rules to report information to the IRS […]

ACA Webinar – Self-Insured Employer 6055 and Applicable Large Employer 6056 Reporting

The 6055 and 6056 reporting provisions require self-insured employers and applicable large employers (ALEs) subject to the ACA’s employer shared responsibility rules to report information to the IRS and to full-time employees about offers of health coverage and enrollment in health coverage. On January 6, 2016 at 10am industry experts will review the information required […]

Electronic Solutions Seminar – NEEBCo Connect

NEEBCo Conference Center 19 Chenell Drive, Suite 1, Concord, NH, United States

NEEBCo Connect is an integrated electronic enrollment and benefits portal used by employers to conduct electronic benefits enrollment, manage employees, improve communications and assist with disclosure and compliance requirements. NEEBCo Connect offers clients with multifaceted benefits programs online management that includes plan selection and self-service enrollment for new hires, open enrollment and life events. NEEBCo […]

Active Shooter Preparedness Seminar – FULL

NEEBCo Conference Center 19 Chenell Drive, Suite 1, Concord, NH, United States

This seminar is at capacity. Take the steps necessary to prepare for a civilian response to an active shooter incident in the workplace. On May 18, 2016 at 10am the NEEBCo Conference Center will host a presentation from the Concord Police Department providing guidance on actions to take when confronted with workplace violence, a review […]

ACA Management Solution Seminar – NEEBCo Connect

NEEBCo Conference Center 19 Chenell Drive, Suite 1, Concord, NH, United States

NEEBCo Connect simplifies ACA compliance and reporting with an ongoing benefit management solution for fully insured and self insured employers to create and e-file 1094 and 1095 forms. ACA management features include: Automated coding of the 1095 form - no manual entry Measurement of hours for full time status determination under the Look Back Measurement […]

NEEBCo Blood Drive

NEEBCo Conference Center 19 Chenell Drive, Suite 1, Concord, NH, United States

NEEBCo invites you to help save lives by donating blood to the American Red Cross on Wednesday, July 27th from 10am to 3pm. The Blood Drive will be held at the NEEBCo Conference Center, located at 19 Chenell Drive in Concord, NH. Use the below link to register online and pick a time to donate: […]

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