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Active Shooter Preparedness and Bomb Threat Response Seminar

NEEBCo Conference Center 19 Chenell Drive, Suite 1, Concord, NH, United States

Take the steps necessary to prepare for a civilian response to an active shooter or bomb threat incident in the workplace. On October 19, 2016 at 9am the NEEBCo Conference Center will host a presentation from the New Hampshire State Police providing guidance on actions to take when confronted with workplace violence or bomb threats, […]

Cyber Security Protection for Employers and Best Practices for Appropriate Use of IT Systems by Employees Seminar

NEEBCo Conference Center 19 Chenell Drive, Suite 1, Concord, NH, United States

Find out what you need to know to protect your business from outside predators and from employees who may be mis-using your IT Systems. On November 9th at the NEEBCo Conference Center, NEEBCo will host a seminar where speakers will address these critical aspects of technology in business. Jeff Kuhn of New England IT Partners […]

NEEBCo Blood Drive

NEEBCo Conference Center 19 Chenell Drive, Suite 1, Concord, NH, United States

NEEBCo invites you to help save lives by donating blood to the American Red Cross on Wednesday, February 22nd from 10am to 3pm. The Blood Drive will be held at the NEEBCo Conference Center, located at 19 Chenell Drive in Concord, NH. Use the below link to register online and pick a time to donate: […]

Substance Abuse in the Workplace

NEEBCo Conference Center 19 Chenell Drive, Suite 1, Concord, NH, United States

Substance abuse in the workplace is an issue that employers are facing regularly with risks including accidents and poor work performance. What should be done if you suspect that an employee is under the influence at work? What questions can you ask and actions should you take? Attorney Jennifer S. Moeckel, of Cook, Little, Rosenblatt […]

A Week in the Life of an HR Manager – FULL

NEEBCo Conference Center 19 Chenell Drive, Suite 1, Concord, NH, United States

This seminar is at capacity. Join us at the NEEBCo Conference Center as we host Attorney Andrea Chatfield of Cook, Little, Rosenblatt & Manson PLLC as she presents "A Week in the Life of an HR Manager". This interactive presentation will take the audience through a very bad week for an HR Manager, with each […]

Employee Benefits Basics

NEEBCo Conference Center 19 Chenell Drive, Suite 1, Concord, NH, United States

Many small businesses do not have enough employees or resources to warrant hiring a designated HR or Benefits Manager. Therefore, this responsibility is often shouldered by employees or administrative staff with little or no employee benefits experience. This seminar will address insurance products, funding concepts, contributions strategies and rules related to employee benefits. Presented by […]

Compliance Webinar – DOL Audit Preparation

Approved for 2 HR General Credit Hours The Department of Labor (DOL)’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) has the authority to conduct audits on benefit plans that are governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). DOL audits often focus on violations of ERISA’s fiduciary obligations and reporting and disclosure requirements. The DOL may […]

Employee Benefits – Student Loan Payment Program Webinar

Many employers have expressed interest in learning more about offering a student loan payment program as an employee benefit. On Wednesday, November 15th, at 10am, Ameritas will review how BenefitED assists employers in processing payments toward employee's eligible education loans by administering the transactions between the employer and the multiple student loan processors. The program […]

Employment Law Update Seminar

NEEBCo Conference Center 19 Chenell Drive, Suite 1, Concord, NH, United States

THIS SEMINAR IS AT CAPACITY Join us Thursday, February 1st at 10am at the NEEBCo Conference Center as we host Attorney Andrea Chatfield and Attorney Jennifer Shea Moeckel of Cook, Little, Rosenblatt & Manson PLLC . Attorneys Chatfield and Moeckel will provide an overview of key employment law changes and initiatives in 2017, and of […]

Employment Law Update Seminar

NEEBCo Conference Center 19 Chenell Drive, Suite 1, Concord, NH, United States

Join us Thursday, February 1st at 2pm at the NEEBCo Conference Center as we host Attorney Andrea Chatfield and Attorney Jennifer Shea Moeckel of Cook, Little, Rosenblatt & Manson PLLC . Attorneys Chatfield and Moeckel will provide an overview of key employment law changes and initiatives in 2017, and of possible changes to come in […]

FMLA Compliance Webinar

Many employers are overwhelmed by the changing legal requirements that affect their workplaces. This webinar will provide information about employer obligations under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Employers can avoid common problems by understanding the FMLA’s leave requirements and implementing the correct administrative procedures. The webinar is presented by attorneys and will address frequently […]

Workplace Harassment Seminar

NEEBCo Conference Center 19 Chenell Drive, Suite 1, Concord, NH, United States

What should employers know about harassment in the workplace? Join us Thursday, April 19th, 10am at the NEEBCo Conference Center as Attorney Jennifer Shea Moeckel of Cook, Little, Rosenblatt & Manson, PLLC provides practical guidance on this relevant subject. Topics for review will include: What is harassment? What isn't harassment? Employer best practices, policies and […]

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