
DOL Updates Model FMLA Poster

Posted 05.05.16

Every employer covered by the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) must display or post an informative general notice about the FMLA. The poster must be displayed in a prominent place where it can be readily seen by employees, and it must have large enough text so it can be easily read. Electronic posting is permissible. Employers that willfully violate this posting requirement may be assessed a civil money penalty of up to $110 for each separate offense. Employers may use the Department of Labor’s (DOL) model FMLA poster to satisfy this notice requirement, or create their own poster, as long as the poster includes the information contained in the DOL’s FMLA poster.

In April 2016, the DOL updated the model FMLA poster. The new model includes most of the same information as the prior model, which was released in February 2013, but is reorganized to make it easier to understand. Covered employers may start using the updated model notice or may continue to use the prior model.

Employers that are subject to the FMLA should confirm that they have an FMLA poster displayed in plain view where employees can easily see it.

Contact your NEEBCo representative with any questions you may have.

Model FMLA poster

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