
2020 Employer Health Benefits Annual Survey

Posted 10.08.20

Each year, the Kaiser Family Foundation conducts a survey to examine employer-sponsored health benefits trends.

Some specific highlights of the survey include:

  • In 2020, the average premium rose by 4% for both single coverage and family coverage.
  • The average worker contribution toward the premium was 17% for single coverage and 27% for family coverage.
  • The average annual deductible has increased by 25% over the past five years and nearly 80% over the past decade.
  • Beyond deductibles, the vast majority of workers cover some portion of the costs from their health care services. For example, 65% of covered workers have coinsurance, and 13% have a copay for hospital admissions.

The below is a summary of the main points of the survey.  For the survey or additional benchmarking information, contact your NEEBCo representative.

Summary of the 2020 Employer Health Benefits Annual Survey

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